January 8, 2024

Cambridge Tennis Academy and Spinney School

As part of Cambridgeshire Tennis’ commitment to support more people playing tennis in the county, the Participation sub-committee has the focus of liaising with venues to offer support as well as leading on National Volunteers Week and the LTA Awards. The committee also provides small grants to venues or aspiring coaches for initiatives that get more people playing tennis in Cambridgeshire.

Cambridge Tennis Academy recently received a grant to help fund their schools’ initiatives, these after-school sessions introduce ball and racket skills taught in a fun and inclusive environment. Their vision is to inspire Cambridge tennis players through kindness, passion and integrity and they ‘were incredibly grateful for support and funding our school initiatives. It helped to buy equipment like mini nets, balls and racquets enabling new classes in both primary and secondary schools giving an extra 40 kids a taste of tennis each week who were not previously playing. The classes are now well established and will continue for a long time we hope!’

An engaging coach, some playground space and kit provides opportunity for children who do not normally play tennis to play tennis - as the photos show, the children were not put off by the weather!

View information on our Participation Grants here.

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